2007 ev - Anno IVxv
Anno IVxv
The U.S. Grand Lodge Strategic Plan was developed over a nine-month period between July 2006 and March 2007 e.v. by the Strategic Planning Committee, which includes representatives from each of the Grand Lodge Governing Bodies. The final draft was reviewed by the Governing Bodies and other USGL officers, and adopted by the Executive Council on April 15, 2007 e.v.
The plan consists of five main initiatives, derived from the USGL Vision Statement. The strategic plan guides us toward achieving our vision, in support of our mission, and in conformity with our values.
Each initiative has objectives, which are supported by one or more goals. Objectives may be ongoing, but goals represent particular milestones in the accomplishment of the objective. Each goal (what) has a strategy (how), responsibility (who), and estimated timeframe (when). The timeframe may extend beyond this year; the plan will be reviewed each year to measure progress and updated as necessary.
USGL Strategic Initiatives
1. Promulgate Thelema and Great Principles of the Order
VISION: We envision OTO USA as a model religious and fraternal order of occult initiates, and a leading proponent of Thelemic thought and culture within the United States.
Objective: Fully implement Liber 194 to the extent possible and practicable
- Goal: Establish at least one Profess House within the next decade (Liber 194: preamble)
- Strategy: Form a committee to develop standards and strategies for Profess House development
- Responsibility: Executive Council
- Timeframe: Spring 2008 ev
- Goal: Fill both IXth Degree Revolutionary positions (Liber 194: 25-26)
- Strategy: Publish a notice in Agape to encourage eligible IXths to volunteer
- Responsibility: Electoral College President
- Timeframe: Ongoing beginning November 2006 ev
- Goal: Retain four members of the Man of Earth to represent the feelings of the general body (Liber 194: 5)
- Strategy: Establish a YahooGroup to facilitate communications between Grand Master and representatives
- Responsibility: Grand Master
- Timeframe: Completed January 2007 ev
- Strategy: Publish a notice in Agape to explain the position and encourage volunteers
- Responsibility: Grand Master
- Timeframe: May 2007 ev
- Goal: Implement meditative retreats for Electoral College members (Liber 194: 14)
- Strategy: Mandate that Electoral College members absent themselves from all but absolutely necessary OTO participation and communication for 3 months every 2 years
- Responsibility: Grand Master, Electoral College President
- Timeframe: Phase in beginning 2008 ev
- Goal: Implement Vow of Poverty option for Electoral College, Supreme Grand Council, and Grand Treasurer General (Liber 194: 30-31, 33-34)
- Strategy: Research relevant U.S. law on religious poverty
- Responsibility: Grand Treasurer General, Finance Committee
- Timeframe: Spring 2008 ev
Objective: Increase exposure of OTO and Thelema in alternative and mainstream press
- Goal: Publish NOTOCON proceedings
- Strategy: Appoint an editor or editorial team
- Responsibility: NOTOCON Committee
- Timeframe: September 2007 ev
- Goal: Publish a "best-of" anthology drawn from local body publications
- Strategy: Recruit an editor or editorial team
- Responsibility: Volunteer Coordinator (with approval of Executive Council)
- Timeframe: Autumn 2007 ev
- Goal: Encourage and coordinate publication of articles, interviews, reviews, etc.
- Strategy: Form a committee to develop this function
- Responsibility: Executive Council
- Timeframe: Autumn 2007 ev
Objective: Support Thelemic speakers, authors, artists, musicians, filmmakers, etc.
- Goal: Enlist talent within the Order to help promote O.T.O. and Thelemic culture
- Strategy: Use Education Committee's list of available speakers/teachers to recruit presenters for more public or specially targeted venues
- Responsibility: Education Committee, Public Information Officer
- Timeframe: Spring 2008 ev
2. Develop and Strengthen Local Operations
VISION: We will maintain a physical presence near every major population center in the country, from which we will offer services in support of our mission to our members and to the public.
Objective: Establish new local bodies in needed areas
- Goal: Begin development of study groups and camps-in-formation in areas with initiates but no local bodies
- Strategy: Provide a report to the Electoral College on the geographic distribution of membership
- Responsibility: Grand Treasurer General
- Timeframe: Summer 2007 ev
- Strategy: Clarify the camp-in-formation program and promote it within the membership
- Responsibility: Electoral College
- Timeframe: Summer 2007 ev
- Strategy: Contact senior and high-degree initiates in identified areas and offer encouragement, mentoring, etc.
- Responsibility: Electoral College
- Timeframe: Autumn 2007 ev
- Goal: Begin development of membership in areas with no local OTO initiates
- Strategy: On the basis of geographic membership report, prioritize unserved metropolitan areas
- Responsibility: Electoral College
- Timeframe: Autumn 2007 ev
- Strategy: Appoint USGL development teams to do Minerval and First Degree initiations in unserved areas
- Responsibility: Grand Master
- Timeframe: Autumn 2007 ev
- Strategy: Create advance publicity for initiations using targeted speaking/teaching engagements
- Responsibility: Public Information Officer, Education Committee
- Timeframe: TBD by development teams
Objective: Support growth of existing local bodies
- Goal: Encourage local bodies to develop their own strategic plans
- Strategy: Publish an article in Agape on local body strategic planning
- Responsibility: Strategic Planning Committee
- Timeframe: Autumn 2007 ev
- Strategy: Develop a Kaaba module on local body strategic planning
- Responsibility: Kaaba Committee
- Timeframe: Spring 2008 ev
- Goal: Increase expertise and proficiency of local officers
- Strategy: Provide instruction via Kaaba Colloquia
- Responsibility: Kaaba Committee
- Timeframe: Ongoing
- Goal: Improve Mentor Program
- Strategy: Increase pool of mentors by directly (i.e. personally) recruiting immediate past masters
- Responsibility: Electoral College Mentor Secretary
- Timeframe: Summer 2007 ev
- Goal: Promote local body membership
- Strategy: Revise initiation application forms to ask for local body membership
- Responsibility: Grand Master, Grand Secretary General
- Timeframe: Completed March 2007 ev
- Strategy: Revise online dues payment system to ask for local body membership
- Responsibility: Grand Treasurer General
- Timeframe: Completed March 2007 ev
- Strategy: Collect and report local body membership statistics to Executive Council annually
- Responsibility: Grand Treasurer General, Initiation Secretary, Electoral College
- Timeframe: Ongoing beginning April 2007 ev
- Strategy: Educate local body officers regarding membership provisions in local body bylaws
- Responsibility: Kaaba Committee
- Timeframe: Autumn 2007 ev
- Strategy: Educate local body officers regarding use of local body membership incentives
- Responsibility: Kaaba Committee
- Timeframe: Autumn 2007 ev
- Goal: Encourage support of Man of Earth bodies by Lover and Hermit Triad membership
- Strategy: Publish an article in The Pelican to encourage such support
- Responsibility: Grand Master (or his delegate)
- Timeframe: Autumn-Winter 2007 ev
Objective: Support acquisition and maintenance of dedicated space for Lodges
- Goal: Assist local bodies to build and maintain funding levels required to support dedicated space
- Strategy: Solicit funding strategies from Lodges successfully maintaining dedicated space and make these available to local bodies
- Responsibility: Kaaba Committee
- Timeframe: Ongoing beginning Autumn 2007 ev
- Goal: Establish at least one Order-owned local body facility within the next decade
- Strategy: Develop due diligence template for local bodies for evaluating costs vs. benefits of property ownership
- Responsibility: Grand Treasurer General, Treasurer General
- Timeframe: Autumn 2007 ev
- Strategy: Investigate alternatives for property acquisition: e.g. financing, investment, partnership, donation, bequest
- Responsibility: Grand Treasurer General, Treasurer General
- Timeframe: Spring 2008 ev
Objective: Support development of Rose Croix Chapters
- Goal: Evaluate current state of Chapter development
- Strategy: Implement annual reporting of activities by Chapters
- Responsibility: Supreme Grand Council
- Timeframe: Spring 2008 ev
- Goal: Increase membership and participation in Chapters by current R+C members
- Strategy: Promote regular meetings (at least annual) to maintain activity
- Responsibility: Supreme Grand Council
- Timeframe: Autumn 2007 ev
- Goal: Model and communicate successful Chapter strategies
- Strategy: Solicit articles from Chapters for The Pelican
- Responsibility: Pelican Editors
- Timeframe: Spring 2008 ev going forward
Objective: Support development of Mystic Temples
- Goal: Expand geographic distribution of Mystic Temple facilities
- Strategy: Establish an additional Mystic Temple facility on the East Coast
- Responsibility: Grand Master
- Timeframe: Autumn 2007 ev
3. Improve Effectiveness of Grand Lodge Programs
VISION: We will uphold the highest standards of excellence and effectiveness in the practice and dissemination of our religious, spiritual, magical, and ethical teachings.
Objective: Improve initiation standards
- Goal: Improve proficiency of initiation officers
- Strategy: Appoint initiator training program coordinator
- Responsibility: Grand Master
- Timeframe: Summer 2007 ev
- Strategy: Implement requirements for memorization of degrees
- Responsibility: Grand Master
- Timeframe: Advance by one degree per year, beginning with Ist Degree in January 2008 ev
- Strategy: Encourage attendance at initiator training sessions by already-chartered initiators and other local team members
- Responsibility: Grand Master
- Timeframe: Summer 2007 ev
- Strategy: Form a committee to create sample training materials and supplemental resources for initiation officer training workshops
- Responsibility: Executive Council
- Timeframe: Autumn 2007 ev
Objective: Improve ecclesiastical standards
- Goal: Implement training program for all clergy
- Strategy: Form a committee to develop a training program
- Responsibility: Executive Council
- Timeframe: Summer 2007 ev
- Goal: Encourage Bishops to teach in their local areas and in areas where they have supervised clergy
- Strategy: Require Bishops to report their educational/training activities to Primate semi-annually
- Responsibility: Primate
- Timeframe: Spring 2008 ev
Objective: Improve educational standards
- Goal: Provide educational resources for local body use
- Strategy: Create and maintain a list of expert presenters
- Responsibility: Education Committee
- Timeframe: Ongoing, beginning February 2007 ev
- Strategy: Create ready-to-use curricula and class plans
- Responsibility: Education Committee
- Timeframe: Ongoing, beginning February 2007 ev
Objective: Increase use and usefulness of Grand Lodge library
- Goal: Develop online library catalog
- Strategy: Specify and implement catalog storage format usable by librarian and a webmaster-supplied web display application
- Responsibility: Librarian, Webmaster
- Timeframe: Summer 2007 ev
- Goal: Implement library lending program
- Strategy: Allow physical circulation of books by mail
- Responsibility: Librarian
- Timeframe: Spring 2007 ev
- Goal: Develop agenda for accessions
- Strategy: Compare existing holdings to USGL Study Guides and to OTO Curriculum in Book Four
- Responsibility: Librarian
- Timeframe: Spring 2008 ev
- Goal: Provide electronic access to key public-domain texts
- Strategy: Coordinate online file storage with online catalog
- Responsibility: Webmaster, Librarian
- Timeframe: Ongoing, beginning Spring 2007 ev
Objective: Improve communications between Grand Lodge and the membership
- Goal: Facilitate communication between the Electoral College and local body leadership
- Strategy: Create new online discussion forum for local body officers and Electoral College members
- Responsibility: Electoral College President
- Timeframe: Completed March 2007 ev
- Goal: Increase member knowledge of Grand Lodge activities
- Strategy: Publish USGL Annual Report
- Responsibility: Executive Council and governing bodies
- Timeframe: Annually beginning June 2007 ev
- Goal: Ensure local body access to SGIGs
- Strategy: Individual bodymaster mentors should make sure that current bodymasters each have the ability to directly contact at least one SGIG in event of emergency
- Responsibility: Electoral College Mentor Secretary
- Timeframe: Summer 2007 ev
- Goal: Increase understanding of the role of second triad members in comprising "Grand Lodge"
- Strategy: Convocation of the Agape Senate per se, with individual invitations
- Responsibility: Grand Master, Grand Secretary General
- Timeframe: Summer 2008 ev
Objective: Improve communications within Grand Lodge government
- Goal: Establish comprehensive internet security policy
- Strategy: Consult with IT Guild members, Executive, and membership at large, along with recommended standard practices from industry. From these sources, synthesize both rules and recommendations for GL officers and local bodies.
- Responsibility: Webmaster
- Timeframe: Autumn 2007 ev
- Goal: Improve Annual Report Form preparation and submission process
- Strategy: Design and develop a new secure online Annual Report Form submission capability (including the ability to save entries completed and in progress)
- Responsibility: Webmaster, Electoral College
- Timeframe: Winter 2007-2008 ev
- Goal: Streamline initiation reporting
- Strategy: Create a single form for reporting initiations to both Grand Treasurer General and Initiation Secretary
- Responsibility: Grand Treasurer General, Initiation Secretary
- Timeframe: Completed February 2007 ev
- Strategy: Design and develop a secure online initiation reporting capability
- Responsibility: Webmaster, Grand Treasurer General, Initiation Secretary
- Timeframe: Summer 2008 ev
- Goal: Develop secure Grand Lodge file sharing system
- Strategy: Determine requirements and propose design and development path if needed
- Responsibility: Webmaster
- Timeframe: Summer 2008 ev
Objective: Improve Grand Lodge financial stability and growth
- Goal: Establish multi-year projected budgets
- Strategy: Develop budget document based on past years' income and expenses
- Responsibility: Grand Treasurer General
- Timeframe: Ongoing beginning Summer 2007 ev
- Goal: Establish investment policy
- Strategy: Develop investment policy document
- Responsibility: Finance Committee, Grand Treasurer General
- Timeframe: Autumn 2007 ev
- Goal: Encourage bequests from members
- Strategy: Publish an article in Agape on Estate Planning
- Responsibility: Grand Treasurer General
- Timeframe: November 2007 ev
- Goal: Implement independent audit of USGL books
- Strategy: Select and retain outside auditing firm
- Responsibility: Grand Treasurer General
- Timeframe: Spring 2008 ev
Objective: Strategic planning
- Goal: Review and revise strategic plan annually
- Strategy: Appoint a Review Committee (include a mix of previous and new members)
- Responsibility: Executive Council
- Timeframe: By January 1, annually
- Strategy: Review and revise plan
- Responsibility: Review Committee
- Timeframe: By February 15, annually
- Strategy: Communicate pertinent revisions to officers and leadership
- Responsibility: Supreme Grand Council, Electoral College
- Timeframe: By March 20, annually
- Strategy: Communicate pertinent revisions to membership via Agape, Pelican
- Responsibility: Editors
- Timeframe: First issue published in any Thelemic year
4. Build a Stronger Fraternal Community
VISION: We will espouse and defend the principle of individual liberty while cultivating strong fraternal bonds within our ranks.
Objective: Increase effectiveness of conflict resolution
- Goal: Increase involvement of Chapters in mediating disputes
- Strategy: Establish geographic jurisdictions for Chapters
- Strategy: Communicate directly with Chapters to emphasize their role 2007 ev
- Responsibility: Supreme Grand Council
- Timeframe: Summer 2007 ev
Goal: Provide formal mediation training for local body masters and Chapter members
- Strategy: Form a committee to research options and make recommendations
- Responsibility: Executive Council
- Timeframe: Summer 2007 ev
Goal: Evaluate conflict resolution efforts through centralized statistical tracking
- Strategy: Develop a form to implement anonymous reporting of conflict resolution problems and outcomes to the Supreme Grand Council
- Responsibility: Supreme Grand Council
- Timeframe: Summer 2007 ev
Objective: Encourage and strengthen fraternal bonds
- Goal: Clearly communicate and model expectations of fraternal behavior
- Strategy: Review and, if appropriate, strengthest, and enforce standards of conduct for all official Grand Lodge online venues (and encourage their adoption by official local body online venues)
- Responsibility: Grand Master, Webmaster
- Timeframe: Winter 2007-2008 ev
- Goal: Clarify actions which constitute "abuse of membership privileges" and "actions greatly prejudicial to the Order"
- Strategy: Submit revised list of punishable charges to Areopagus for approval
- Responsibility: Grand Master
- Timeframe: Spring 2007 ev
- Goal: Increase member participation in NOTOCON and other conferences
- Strategy: Develop a "sponsorship" program to fund travel expenses for members who cannot afford to attend
- Responsibility: NOTOCON Committee
- Timeframe: Summer 2008 ev
- Goal: Encourage and facilitate mutual aid among members
- Strategy: Provide local bodies with instructions on how they can legally take up collections for distressed brethren
- Responsibility: Treasurer General
- Timeframe: November 2007 ev
5. Develop Constructive Relationships
VISION: We will foster harmonious and constructive relationships with the academic, business, civil, and greater social communities within which we operate.
Objective: Establish dialogue with academic community
- Goal: Represent O.T.O. positively and provide accurate information to academic researchers
- Strategy: Enlist members who are in the academic community (professors, researchers, graduate students) to liasion with academics studying occultism, Thelema, and OTO
- Responsibility: Executive Council, Education Committee
- Timeframe: Summer 2008 ev
Objective: Establish relationship with broader charitable community
- Goal: Take advantage of benefits available to 501(c)(3) organizations
- Strategy: Research and identify organizations, programs, grantse may be able to participate
- Responsibility: Finance Committee, Grand Treasurer General
- Timeframe: Autumn 2008 ev